born in 1949, Harare, Zimbabwe
Lives and works as sculptor in Farnham, Surrey, England
Participations at art biennials e. g. „International Art Fair“, London, "Graphica Creaativa“, Jyväskylä, Finnland , "Fresh Air", Gloucestershire, England
Study of graphic arts, design and photography at teh Natal Technical Art College Durban, South Africa
Artist in Residence, Kunstzentrum Cuxhaven, Germany
Exhibitions in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Cuba and Europe
Lectureship in Polytechnic Art Department, Harare and in University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, England
The use of mixed media and the defiance of boundaries between genres – e.g. fusing painting with sculpture in stone – are important preconditions to the work of Richard Jack and his attempt to understand the adventure of being human. Whereas he incorporates paint, rags, metal, cardboard and other materials into his assemblages, he prefers to use stone, wood and steel in his sculpture. He describes his work as a mixture of conceptual ideas, a strong African influence and the impact of western modernity.
2009 - Dritter Preis „Artist of the year“, Surrey, England
2006 - Erster Preis „Millfield International Contemporary Award“ (Emerging talent in the world of sculpture), Somerset, England
1983 - Zweiter Preis der „Weldart“, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
2005 - Symposium und Ausstellung in Birkenried, Deutschland. 6. – 20. 8. 2005
1999 - „Artist in Residence“, Kunstzentrum Cuxhaven und Deutsch-simbabwische Gesellschaft, Workshop und Ausstellung im Schlossgarten Cuxhaven, Deutschland
1996 - „International Artists Workshop“, Remisen Brande, Dänemark
1991 - 4. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
1989 - 2. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
1988 - 1. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
2013 - Richard Jack, Art and Soul
Gallery, Grenada, Caribbean
- Galerie Hagen, Offenburg, Germany
2012 - Lightbox Gallery, Woking, England
2002 - 'Thoughts in Form', Wawana Gallery, Maastricht, Niederlande
2001 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Thoughts in Form“, Wawana Gallery, Maastricht, Niederlande
1997 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1994 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1992 - 93 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe. Ausstellung mit Matti Wasskilampi aus Finnland
1992 - National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Sandro’s Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe
1990 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1983 - John Boyne Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe
1982 - Helen de Leeuw Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
1981 - Market Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1980 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1979 - Akis Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
1978 - Walsh Marais Gallery, Durban, Südafrika
- Trevor Coleman Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
2011 - Biennial sculpture exhibition
"Fresh Air 2011", Quenington Old Rectory Cirencester,
Gloucestershire, England
- Wisley Gardens – SSS, UK
- Pride oft he Valley Sculpture Par, UK
2010 - „Art & Craft ispired by
the visual culture of the figurative, from the classical to the contemporary“,
New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham, England
- Affordable Arts Fair, Battersea, London, UK
2009 - „Surface / Space / Time“, Crypt Gallery, London, England
- „Technique“, James Hockey & Foyer Galleries, University of Creative Arts (UCA), Farnham, England
- „Fresh Air 2009“, Quenington Sculpture Trust, Quenington, Gloucenstershire, England
2008 - „Technique“, James Hockey & Foyer Galleries, University of Creative Arts (UCA), Farnham, England
- The Lightbox, Woking, England
2007 - „Technique“, James Hockey & Foyer Galleries, University of Creative Arts (UCA), Farnham, England
2006 - Millfield School, Street, England
2005 - „Fresh Air 2005“, Quenington Sculpture Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Musée des Arts Derniers, Paris, Frankreich
- Surrey Open Studios, Farnham, England
- „Artists for Zimbabwe“, Gallery 27, London, England
- Opening by Doris Lessing am 3. 3. 2005. Gallery 27, Cork Street, London W 15 3 NG
2004 - „St’Art Fair“, Gallerie d’Ames d’Afrique, Strasbourg, Frankreich
- „Juxtaposition“, Alan Kluckow Gallery, Sunningdale, England
- „Zimbabwe Stone Sculpture. A Retrospective 1957 – 2004“, Pierre Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Spring Show. A Selection of Artists from all Around the World“, October Gallery, London, England. 1. 4. – 8. 5. 2004
2003 - „Fresh Air 2003“, Quenington Sculpture Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe
„Artists for Zimbabwe“, Gallery 27, Cork Street, London, England
2002 - Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Africa Informs. Four contemporary African Artists“, October Gallery, London, England
2001 - „Fresh Air 2001“, Quenington Sculpture Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe
2000 - Millennium exhibition“, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Post Election Selection“, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1999 - „Fresh Air 1999“, Quenington Sculpture Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Artist in Residence“, Kunstzentrum Cuxhaven und Deutsch-simbabwische Gesellschaft, Workshop und Ausstellung im Schlossgarten Cuxhaven, Deutschland
- „Annual Heritage Exhibition“, Wawana Gallery, Maastricht. (NGZ), Niederlande
1998 - „Grafiken“, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Contemporary sculpture of Zimbabwe“, Espace Artsenal, Paris
- "Commissioned sculpture" – Aage Damgaard, Herning, Dänemark
1997 - „Legacies of Stone, Zimbabwe past and present“, Royal Museum of Central Africa Tervuren, Belgien
- Prince Edward High School, Harare, Zimbabwe
1996 - „7th Graphica Creativa“, Alva Aalto Museum, Jyvaskyla, Finnland
1995 - SANAA National Museum of Contemporary Art, Norwegen
- „Africus. Contemporary art from East and Southern Africa“ u. a. mit Arthur Fata, Georges Lilanga, Luis Meque, Joseph Muzondo und Sane Wadu, First SA Biennale, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- "6th All Africa Games“, National Sports Stadium, Harare, Zimbabwe
- „Gallery Delta ‘Twenty Years’ Exhibition“, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
1994 - Goethe Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe
1992 - „6. Graphica Creaativa“, Alva Aalto Museum, Jyvaskyla, Finnland
1991 - „The New Generation“, Le Forum, Harare
- Thappong-Workshop-Exhibition, National Gallery of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
- 4. Biennale Havanna, Cuba
- „10 Sculptures Contemporians du Zimbabwe“, Paris, Frankreich
- 4. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
1989 - „Holzskulpturen“, Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- 2. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
1988 - 1. Pachipamwe International workshop and exhibition (NGZ), Harare, Zimbabwe
1986 - ZAVACAD, Anti-Apartheid-Ausstellung, Murewa, Zimbabwe
- Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- 1985 - 1992 - Jahresausstellungen der National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
1984 - „International Art Fair“, Barbican Center, London, England
1983 - Nedlaw Sculpture Exhibition, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Zimbabwean-Mozambique Solidarity Exhibition, Maputo, Mosambik
1982 - Delta Gallery, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Mall Gallery, London, England
1980 - Durban Arts 80 – Outdoor sculpture. Opened ‘Marico Moon’-Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- „Artists from Zimbabwe“, Trevor Coleman Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- „Weldart“, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
1979 - Opened Marico Moon Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
1977 - Chris Crake Gallery, Johannesburg, Südafrika
2006 - Millfield School, Street, Somerset, UK
1999 - Cuxhaven Schlossgarten, Deutschland
1998 - Aage Damgaard, Museum for Contemporary Art and Sculpture Park, Herning, Dänemark
1997 - Prince Edward High School, Harare
1995 - 6th All Africa Games, National Sports Stadium, Harare – Mural in granite (12 x 1.5 metres)
1994 - Goethe Institute, Harare
1988-96 - Danhiko School for the physically handicapped, Harare
- Cliff, Sam; Wheate, Eve, „Surface / Space / Time“, Crypt Gallery, London 2009
- Sibanda, Doreen, „Zimbabwe Stone Sculpture. A Retrospective 1957 – 2004“, Embassy of France & Weaver Press, Harare 2004
- Sultan, Olivier, „Live in stone. Zimbabwean sculpture. Birth of a contemporary art form“, Baobab Books, Harare 1990
- Barbara Murray, „Richard Jack: notes from a conversation“, in: Zimbabwe Insight 88/1, Magazin der National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare 1988
- Gallery. The Art Magazine of Gallery Delta
- National Gallery of Zimbabwe
- National Gallery of Botswana
- Royal Netherlands Embassy, Harare, Zimbabwe
- University of the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK
- Gallery Delta, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Alan Kluckow Fine Art, Sunningdale, Berkshire, UK
- Kunst Transit Berlin, Deutschland